Nathan Lamont

Notes to Self

Swift Resources & Notes


A little out of date but great conceptually:

Related site

Caching computed properties

Swift has computed properties; here's a pattern for caching them:

struct Cached <T, U> {
    var value : T { willSet { _calculated = nil } }
    private var _calculated : U? = nil
    private var function : (T) -> U
    init(_ value: T, _ f: (T) -> U) {
        self.function = f
        self.value = value
    var calculated : U {
        mutating get {
            if _calculated == nil { _calculated = function(value) }
            return _calculated!

Example use:

var a = Cached(0) {
    (a: Int) -> Int in
    print("did calculate")
    return a + 100
// Prints "did calculate"

// Prints "100"

a.value = 10

// Prints "did calculate\n110"

Nice tips on use language features to make more expressive, explicit code via

Good discussion on current state of SwiftUI as of 2020.11.22 (really about which calls out a lot of the current shortcomings but still loves it)

Hash Tables

Promising? 2 years old

Another article on hashing

But there is some built-in "hashable" protocol. From 2020 This appears to be for storing items in a dictionary.

Stanford course covering SwiftUI

Swift in Depth

Badly written article about vision framework/OCR. Handy math

Code Examples

Some guy's "game math" - from above, is for 3d. Not optimized, but maybe a relevant example of an approach to stuff you are interested in.