Nathan Lamont

Notes to Self

The Thirty-Seven Basic Dramatic Situations

Without Sub-classifications and Classified According to Their Various Natures

Source, via

Happy Situations

  1. Rescue.
  2. Lost loved ones recovered.
  3. A miracle of God.

Pathetic Situations

  1. Entreaty.
  2. Love’s Obstacles.
  3. Rivalry between unequals.
  4. Rivalry between kinsmen.
  5. A mystery.

Inspiring Situations

  1. Loving an enemy.
  2. Sacrifice of one’s self for an ideal.
  3. Sacrifice of one’s self for kindred (or friend).

Disastrous Situations Precipitated without Criminal Intent

  1. Possessed of an ambition.
  2. Fatal indiscretion.
  3. Pursuit.
  4. Rebellion.
  5. Enmity between kinsmen.
  6. Effort to obtain.
  7. Daring effort.
  8. Vengeance.
  9. Kindred avenged against kindred.
  10. Mistaken jealousy.
  11. Involuntary criminal love.

Disastrous Situations Precipitated with Criminal Intent

  1. Struggle against God.
  2. Abduction.
  3. To sacrifice all for a passion.
  4. Adultry.
  5. Adultry with murder.
  6. Criminal love.

Tragic Situations Over Which the Victim Has No Control

  1. Loved ones lost.
  2. Falling a prey.
  3. Disaster.
  4. An innocent suspected.
  5. Obligation to sacrifice loved ones.
  6. To learn of the dishonor of a loved one.
  7. Mental derangement.
  8. To kill a kinsman or friend before recognition.
  9. Remorse.